Friday, July 29, 2011

Nelson Mandela

Everything I see and read about Nelson Mandela makes him an even more impressive figure. I read his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom (most of it anyway- it’s long!) and am just beginning to fully appreciate his importance to South Africa. His strength of character, charisma, and willingness to forgive 27 years of imprisonment set that stage that is allowing South Africa to become the country that it is. Next week we visit Robben Island, where he spent so much of his life.

His home in Soweto is tiny, a couple small bedrooms, a dining room/kitchen/living room, and a small bathroom. Down the street is the home of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, making this the only street in the world with two Nobel Peace Prize Winners.
Extra credit to anyone who reads his book. Double bonus points for reading Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton. Written in 1948, this novel tells the story of two men coming to grips with the tragic results of racism. Powerful stuff.
More on Nelson Mandela next week.

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