Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Howzit. That's South African for hello, probably understood by everyone in a nation with 11 official languages. Johannesburg is on the high veldt, kind of like Denver, with a climate like San Francisco without fog. We're seriously chillled.

On our way home tonight (we're 7 hours ahead of Atlanta time) we got into rush hour traffic on their version of I-85. This is a busy city. And South Africa is a busy country. Their infrastructural development is greater than that of the rest of the continent combined, and they are listed as one of the BRICS in the wall- emerging market countries that are on the verge of serious economic development. For homework, you can name the other BRICS.

Despite this, there are challenges. Unemployment is at 23%, and youth unemployment is closer to 50%. Almost 80% of schools don't have libraries, let alone internet connections and smart boardes. So there are challenges.

Today we visited the American embassy in Pretoria, the executive capital. SA has three capitals, sharing the wealth with other cities. We also saw the Apartheid Museum, which featured a special exhibit on Nelson Mandela. Very well done, and reminiscent of visiting the King Center in Atlanta.

Sharpsharp (goodbye, thanks, it's all good).

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